Painting with Shadow

Happy PPF!  Just a few ATCs I’ve made recently:

This was for a Christian-themed ATC swap.  The equations in the background are Maxwell’s equations, of course, and the ATC is meant to be a celebration of God as creator – both creator of the world we see and creator of logic and reason and mathematics and understanding and everything that makes life interesting.  (I’m going to link this to the butterfly effect because I consider science to be a force of nature – it’s wild and wonderful and you never know where you’ll end up.)

I wrote the equations in Sharpie, and then gessoed over them, and then ran it through the printer to add “and there was light.”  Unfortunately the toner didn’t stick to the gesso very well (too textured maybe?) but it gave me enough of a guideline to go over it in sharpie.  Then I added the color by brushing on layers of eye shadow, of all things.  It was an interesting experiment, and I think it came out well.  Hero got me a 144-color eye shadow palette from e.l.f. for the holidays, and much as I love it there’s colors I’m not going to wear, mostly because they’d make me look like an exotic cocktail.  So I brushed on yellows and reds, isolating each layer with a coat of cheap hair spray.  There’s a bit of shimmer in the final image, and I love it.

As I was finishing, it occurred to me that the Bible-belt Christian receiving it might not really see it as “Christian-themed,” even with an explanatory note, so I hedged my bets by making this as well:

Not much to say, as I find this one on the boring side.  It’s colored pencil on a tea bag, glued to an acrylic background.

This one for a Book Page ATC swap is more interesting:

The heart is a Heart Origami Corner Bookmark, made from a book page and with a little watercolor to jazz things up.  I found the instructions on Pinterest and they are really fun to make.  I had to make a couple before I got the size right.  After that it was just a matter of arranging papers and little details until I liked it.

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19 Responses to Painting with Shadow

  1. NatashaMay says:

    Great texture and I love the origami heart. :)

  2. The first one is such a lovely handwriting! I wish I could write like that. :)

    • so do I! :) I’ve found a couple of ways of getting computer fonts into my artwork when I want to. This font is called akaDora – if you google it you’ll find it

  3. paulineleger says:

    They’re all beautiful – love the lettering in the first & second.
    And the “Bible belt Christians” should love these cards too. :-)
    Happy PPF! xoxo

    • thanks! I expect she’ll like them both, but I was getting kind of a weird vibe from her profile and I wanted to be sure. I get enthusiastic about things and sometimes people think I’m a little strange.

  4. Annette G says:

    A smashing set of ATC’s. Happy PPF and have a lovely Easter, Annette x

  5. Ginny says:

    I really liked all of your cards. Each one was different and I liked that. It was great for someone like me who does the same thing over and over to see a variety of techniques. Thank you for sharing what you are doing.
    Hope you are feeling better and that you have a great week.

    • thanks! I find I get bored quickly, and I’m seeing so many new things to try lately that I want to do all of them at once. The first one here is probably most like my “native” style – clean and graphic with bright colors.

  6. Diana Evans says:

    Beautiful works and beautiful words…..just what I needed after the last few weeks….

    Wishing you and yours a Blessed Easter…..

  7. Love that origami heart! Lovely combined with the text.
    Happy PPF!!

  8. Lynn says:

    Lovely art, lovely sentiments! Sweet folded papers too.

  9. Carolyn Dube says:

    Love the look of the origami heart!

  10. Lovely textures and that origami heart is lovely… have a wonderful Easter…xx

  11. EVA says:

    Fun creations!

  12. Nice colouring. Interesting to know about the process.

  13. Liz Powley says:

    I really like the origami heart. Lovely.


  14. geckostone says:

    Wow, your work is awesome! Had fun with the Maxwell link, even though it was mostly greek to me as math often is, it was really interesting! I love God and science both so this is way cool!!! Deb

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